Monday, April 03, 2006

My Thalaivar affinity

I was thinking what to write in my first post in this blog. I was in the same plight as Kamalhasan in 'Guna' film.Don't take it in the way as you think of. I was telling myself ' Blog ezhudhanumnu nenaikumbodhu matter aruvi maadhiri kottudhu, aana adha ezhuda aarambikkum bodhudhaan....".
Though i started off with Kamal, let me not control my gushing heartfelt feeling about my thalaivar Superstart rajini. I have been the hardcore,ardent,diehard fan of Rajini since my childhood. Not sure when it started,how it started, but I could still reminisce my tenderhood school days in my village, i fought with my dad to write my name as 'Rajini' in the wooden frame of the slate which he bought for me. He assured me that he would keep my name as Rajini in school.But i ran to my dad and complained him that the class teacher was still calling me as 'seenivasan' while talking attendence.
During my higher secondary days, the 'Rajini's tempo dampened a bit,but my cousin fuelled it again.He taught me how to make Rajini's hairstyle. I was having it during college days. To my bad, people could not realise that and assigned me a nick name as "Manjoor Ali khan". We celebrated Rajini's birthday (Dec-12th) in our final year of college in a big way. I drew a 4 feet rajini sketch, other rajini ruffian arranged garlands and the photo was taken as a procession through the corridors of the hostel with banging drums music(with bucket) & slogans. Two things achieved, 1.Celebtating thalaivar's Bday 2.Distrubing Mechanical guys who were having exams on the next day :)
I could not recall of watching any Thalaivar's film in first day first show. But after moving to bangalore, i watched "Baba" and "Chandramukhi" with Radha in the first show by bunking office. I am eagerly waiting for "Sivaji", planning to watch in Chennai for a real kick.
Last week i had been to chennai on a personal visit. I invited some of my ex.colleagues for lunch. After a stumptuous lunch in RA Puram Sangeetha hotel, my friend Ramesh and myself were coming back in his bike. He drove through different roads and we finally entered a posh area. Ramesh told that it was Poes Garden and I made him to drive further so to that we could have a glimpse of Thalaivar's house. we never minded about the police pickets.The number of policemen in the street kept increasing as we progressed, we crossed 2 police booths and finally were stopped by safari clad special force of police personnels. We just looked ahead, we were just in front of "Veda Illam". We realised that we were in a VIP's secrity zone(JJ). Sleuths chided us for entering into the high security area and we were let to go after a minor interrogation :).
" Aayiram karangal thaduththu niruthinalum....",

Cheers !

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