Monday, April 03, 2006

Rang De Basanti

Last Sunday, I watched Rang De Basanti in Abhinaya Theater near Majestic.This film was a long overdue in my calendar to watch. When the auto driver dropped me in front of the theater, I realized that I had come to this theater before with my friend Sundar to see a Akshay Kumar movie few years back. It was the time when we did 'In plant training' in Kirloskar during 3rd year of our college. Golden days they were..!! We used to go to Kirloskar in Yeshwanthpura around 11am after having sumptuous lunch in Sundar's uncle's house, have a casual visit around Motor, generator assembly division as if we are MD's of company, eat vada in canteen, timepass under shadows of Kirloskar trees and push off around 4pm after getting charged by a strong tea to have a walk along MG road to witness the cat walk of bevy of beauties. This used to be our schedule for almost for a month.

Coming back to R D Basanti, I liked the film though I could follow only 50% of its dialogues. It shows how the life of a group of irresponsible teenagers (Amir&friends) takes a U turn after they loose their best friend (Madhavan) in a MIG plane crash.
They kill the minister irked by his involvement in buying inferior quality aircrafts. Sometimes, I too get pissed off while coming across such corrupted people/officials. As writer Sujatha rightly wrote a dialogue in the film Indian, "Yes, the corruption exists all over the world. But the key difference is, in the rest of the world people bribe to get their illegal things done, but here in India we bribe to get even our legal things done”. Unless bureaucrats on the top vouch for a change, fair and free social system will be a mirage.

I was chatting with my neighbor who came to renovate his house before renting
out to some tenant. From his candid speech, I got to know that he owns around 7-8 houses at different part of the city zooming his asset values in crores.Surprised by his growth, I asked him what his occupation was. He said ,"I am a Civil Contractor
in BMP (municipality),Sir". All my questions answered !!!


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