Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sensex - It is nothing about sex..!

We have been hearing a lot about the buzzword 'Sensex'
through newspapers and elelctrnic media. Gone are my ignorant days when I thought it was something like 'Safe sex'.Though I am not an expert in this(I mean, in stock market :)), let me give my one cent!

Sensex is an achronym for Sensitivity Index which indicates the pulse of the Stock market.It is just a scale to measure the healthiness of a stock market to know whether the market is in Bull run (profit) or bear run (loss). Nowadays the market is in upward trend as we all know, and everyday it is setting a new record (crossed 11,700 points yesterday !).I read a good article in rediff, you may have a look at it http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2004/dec/10sensex.htm.

In my personal experience, Mutual funds are reaping decent returns. It is more safe way of investing as compare to stock market and it protects us from burning fingers in secondary markets which is very volatile.The fund managers of mutual funds are the experts who know where to invest our money to mint money and give us the peanut portion of the profit which itself is a good return for retail investors like us.I would recommend the novice investors to start with SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in any top performing mutual funds. Itz all money dude..!

Nowadays I have become a proud frequent customer to Southern railways becuase of my increased personal trips.Getting train tickets for travel to bangalore(both inward/outward) during weekends is a nightmare to me thanks to my poor planning and laziness. .The trains are always running in full owing to weekly trips of homesick young crowd (I guess!).After having tried out many options like unreserved travel,getting tickets thro' agent, by waiting in serpentine queue in Indranagar booking office and in KPN &KSRTC, the hassle-free e-ticket booking came like a boon to me.Last time I booked tickets online,took printout and traveled with ID proof.I thought that the TT would ask some questions for authenticity,but absolutely
nothing. My only concern is the security of the credit card payment though a payment gateway. Three cheers to techy savvy Indian Railways and two cheers to Lallu ..!! :). For e-booking- http://www.irctc.co.in/


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